LiveAction leverages QuestDB for AI-driven network security
LiveAction uses QuestDB as a time-series database for storing massive traffic flow and encrypted traffic metadata. Afterwards, it facilitates efficient analysis of their real-time threat detection offering.
AI-driven network security
LiveAction integrates advanced security technologies into a streaming machine learning pipeline to identify network faults, anomalies, and threats in real-time. QuestDB keeps pace with massive volumes of traffic. Without the ballooning hardware requirements.
"QuestDB is impressive and stands out as a superior option. We use it as the basis of our time-series analytics for network threat detection."
Network Threat Detection at scale
LiveAction leverages QuestDB's high throughput for efficient security analytics.
QuestDB powers LiveAction's analytics
LiveAction relies on QuestDB for its high-throughput performance and seamless integration with their network security analytics. With native SQL support, QuestDB helps LiveAction detect network threats with ease.